Yes, GitLab supports such a permalink. The problem is that we frequently revise 
Notes as we understand problems better / improve the implementation. So a 
reader might link to a Note from the wiki only to study an old implementation 
that has been superseded.


> On Dec 28, 2021, at 3:52 PM, Alan & Kim Zimmerman <> wrote:
> FYI, it is possible to make a "permalink" on github, which points to the code 
> at a specific commit. Perhaps gitlab has something similar?
> Alan
> On Tue, 28 Dec 2021 at 19:28, Richard Eisenberg < 
> <>> wrote:
> We could always make a hyperlink to the source code as hosted on GitLab. But 
> I actually argue not to: such links would quickly become outdated, in one of 
> two ways: either we make a permalink, in which case the linked Note text will 
> become outdated; or we make a link to a particular file & line, in which case 
> the Note might move somewhere else. Instead, just by naming the Note title, 
> we have a slightly-harder-to-use link, where you use it by grepping the 
> source code. This is less convenient, but it will stay up-to-date. Until we 
> have better tooling to, say, create an HTML anchor based on a Note, I think 
> this is the best we can do.
> Richard
>> On Dec 28, 2021, at 12:10 PM, Benjamin Redelings 
>> < <>> wrote:
>> I was thinking about the relationship between the wiki and the notes in the 
>> GHC source.
>> Would it be possible to link directly to [compiler notes] in the GHC source 
>> from the wiki, using hyperlinks?  Right now, I'm seeing references that look 
>> like: (See Note [Constraint flavours].)
>> (I can see the motivation to include comments in the source, but I also 
>> think that the wiki is more discoverable than the compiler source code.  So, 
>> in the interests of pursuing both approaches, it would be nice to be able to 
>> link to notes FROM the wiki.  I suppose one could include a hyperlink to the 
>> file on github that contains the note...)
>> I'm not sure how much web infrastructure would be required to make 
>> hyperlinks for notes...
>> -BenRI
>> On 11/8/21 5:35 AM, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
>>> Is there anywhere on the GHC wiki that explains how to interpret this 
>>> output, and says that the type and dictionary applications ARE there, just 
>>> not shown by '-ddump-tc'?
>>> Perhaps it would be helpful to add some basic description of what comes out 
>>> of the typechecker to a page like this one? (below)
>>> <>
>>> Yes it would!  Would you care to start such a wiki page (a new one; don’t 
>>> just clutter up the one you point to)?    You can write down what you know. 
>>>  Don’t worry if you aren’t 100% sure – we can correct it.  And if you 
>>> outright don’t know, leave a “What should I say here?” note.
>>> "This late desugaring is somewhat unusual. It is much more common to 
>>> desugar the program before typechecking, or renaming, because that presents 
>>> the renamer and typechecker with a much smaller language to deal with. 
>>> However, GHC's organisation means that
>>> This note is now slightly out of date.  We are now, very carefully, doing 
>>> some desugaring before typechecking.  See
>>> Note [Handling overloaded and rebindable constructs]  in GHC.Rename.Expr
>>> Note [Rebindable syntax and HsExpansion] in GHC.Hs.Expr
>>> You can and should point to these and similar Notes from the wiki page you 
>>> write.  Indeed there may be some part of what you write that would be 
>>> better framed as Note in GHC’s source code.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Simon
>>> PS: I am leaving Microsoft at the end of November 2021, at which point 
>>> <> will cease to work.  
>>> Use <> 
>>> instead.  (For now, it just forwards to 
>>> <>.)
>>> From: ghc-devs <> 
>>> <> On Behalf Of Benjamin Redelings
>>> Sent: 08 November 2021 13:12
>>> To: Richard Eisenberg <> <>
>>> Cc: <>
>>> Subject: Re: Output language of typechecking pass?
>>> Hi,
>>> Questions:
>>> 1. It seems like this separation is actually necessary, in order to apply 
>>> generalization only to let arguments written by the programmer, and not to 
>>> let bindings introduced during desugaring. Is that right?
>>> I don't think so. That is, if we did it all in one pass, I still think we 
>>> could get generalization right.
>>> I guess I asked this question wrong.  I mean to say, if we did the two 
>>> passes in the reverse order (desugaring first, followed by typechecking), 
>>> that would not work, right?
>>> As the wiki says:
>>> "This late desugaring is somewhat unusual. It is much more common to 
>>> desugar the program before typechecking, or renaming, because that presents 
>>> the renamer and typechecker with a much smaller language to deal with. 
>>> However, GHC's organisation means that
>>> error messages can display precisely the syntax that the user wrote; and
>>> desugaring is not required to preserve type-inference properties.
>>> "
>>> 2. Does the output of type checking contain type lambdas?
>>> Yes. See below.
>>> 3. Does the type checking pass determine where to add dictionary arguments?
>>> Yes. See below.
>>> 4. Are there any other resources I should be looking at?
>>> Yes. You want to enable -fprint-typechecker-elaboration (and possible 
>>> -fprint-explicit-coercions). With the former, you get to see all this stuff 
>>> you're looking for. It's normally suppressed so that the output resembles 
>>> the user's code.
>>> I hope this helps!
>>> Richard
>>> Hmm... so, I think I see how this works now.  I don't think 
>>> '-fprint-explicit-coercions' does anything here though.
>>> $ ghc -ddump-tc Test2.hs -fprint-typechecker-elaboration
>>> ...
>>> AbsBinds [a_a2hp] [$dNum_a2hB]
>>>   {Exports: [g <= g_a2hz
>>>                wrap: <>]
>>>    Exported types: g :: forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
>>>                    [LclId]
>>>    Binds: g x_aYk y_aYl = (y_aYl * x_aYk) + 1
>>>    Evidence: [EvBinds{[W] $dNum_a2hs = $dNum_a2hq
>>>                       [W] $dNum_a2hw = $dNum_a2hq
>>>                       [W] $dNum_a2hq = $dNum_a2hB}]}
>>> ...
>>> The type and dictionary arguments are visible here (along with the evidence 
>>> bindings), but type and dictionary applications are only visible if you use 
>>> -ddump-tc-ast, which is a lot more verbose.  (I don't think there is 
>>> another flag that shows these applications?)  Since I didn't initially know 
>>> what "evidence" was, and there is nothing to say that a_a2hp is a type 
>>> lambda argument, this was pretty opaque until I managed to read the tc-ast 
>>> and the light went on.
>>> I can see now that the type and dictionary arguments are added by 
>>> annotating the AST.
>>> Is there anywhere on the GHC wiki that explains how to interpret this 
>>> output, and says that the type and dictionary applications ARE there, just 
>>> not shown by '-ddump-tc'?
>>> Perhaps it would be helpful to add some basic description of what comes out 
>>> of the typechecker to a page like this one? (below)
>>> <>
>>> -BenRI
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