On 31 May 2013, at 9:02 AM, Jon Taylor <dosad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am encountering a wierd error when simulating a design using GHDL, and I 
> just wanted to ask if anyone else out there has seen this before.  When I run 
> my simulations, I get this after a while:
> error: simulation stopped by --stop-delta
> I didn't start the simulations with any command line arguments.  Is there a 
> default value for stop-delta?  If so, the docs on ghdl.free.fr didn't mention 
> it... the simulations all loop forever (self-clocked processes) and do a lot 
> of non-blocking native calls and start one native thread using pthreads, if 
> that makes any difference.

From grt-options.ads, the default:

   --  Set by --stop-delta=XXX to stop the simulation after XXX delta cycles.
   Stop_Delta : Natural := 5000;

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