> On 25/11/2015, at 9:10 am, René Doß <d...@gmx.de> wrote:
> I have a question. What is the range of integer in GHDL?

type integer is range -2147483648 to 2147483647;

> This works   (wert>2^31):
>  signal wert: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):= X"ffff0000";
>  signal a: integer:= to_integer(unsigned(wert));
> This  produce an error (c=2^31):
>  signal c: integer:=2**31;

  2**31 = 2147483648 (according to Apples calculator app)

IEEE Std 1076-2008 Predefined integer types

The only predefined integer type is the type INTEGER. The range of INTEGER is 
implementation dependent, but it is guaranteed to include the range –2147483647 
to +2147483647. It is defined with an ascending range.

NOTE—The range of INTEGER in a particular implementation is determinable from 
the values of its 'LOW and 'HIGH attributes.

You should be using 2**31-1.

You could also note that the range in declaration of type INTEGER from the 
pseudo package STANDARD dumped out by --disp-standard) would not be legal as a 
new INTEGER type declaration.

type integer is range -2147483648 to 2147483647;

the left bound given as sign operator, decimal literal (basic operation to 
universal integer, implicit conversion to the widest range predefined integer 
type (INTEGER), whose right bound abstract literal (decimal literal) 2147483648 
is out of bounds for type INTEGER.

> hometown.vhd:34:23: static constant violates bounds
> ghdl: compilation error
> makefile:4: recipe for target 'all' failed

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