Hello Michael.  Welcome.

On 2013-07-01 at 16:10, Michael Isberg wrote:

> So my question is, given my inexperience, can I contribute with
> anything if I attend GHM or is the meeting more suitable for
> experienced programmers?

I don't know your level, but you can certainly attend even without being
a master programmer.  You'll probably find the more technical talks
difficult to follow, but that happens to all of us in some measure; even
if many of us tend to be strong programmers of course we can't have the
same experience in all possible languages and environments, and we're
all beginners in some areas.

You can have a look at the videos from past edition talks:
http://www.gnu.org/ghm/ .

If you're an absolute beginner than the talks will be tough, but you can
still enjoy the social part.  You're likely to find somebody willing to
help you or at the very least give you useful tips and pointers, during
the less structured parts of the meeting -- being a free software hacker
entails being able to learn independently, but everybody can use some
direction about what to read.  I'd strongly recommend to bring a laptop
with GNU/Linux installed.

If you decide to come please write again to the list or directly to me,
and I'll officially register you.

Best regards,

Luca Saiu
Home page:   http://ageinghacker.net
GNU epsilon: http://www.gnu.org/software/epsilon
Marionnet:   http://marionnet.org

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