Attached is a patch file for gif.c that fixes a bug that made a dialog pop
up when running noninteractively, which was messing up my scripts.

It was written against 1.1.23 and 3.0.2 of gif.c in plug-ins/common/.

If someone with the right access could run this patch on the source tree
it would probably help someone else out someday.

Bryan Livingston

------------------------------------------------------------- - Online Graphics Generator - Realtime Web Based Strategy Game
>          if(run_mode == RUN_NONINTERACTIVE) {
>            gimp_run_procedure("gimp_crop", &nreturn_vals,
>                               PARAM_IMAGE, image_ID,
>                               PARAM_INT32, gimp_image_width(image_ID),
>                               PARAM_INT32, gimp_image_height(image_ID),
>                               PARAM_INT32, 0,
>                               PARAM_INT32, 0,
>                               PARAM_END);
>            return TRUE;
>          }

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