On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, Ed Husar wrote:

> I am wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. I would like 
> to play around with letting users create graphics on line via a web form and 
> GIMP. Is there any tutorial out there to get me started?
There's a package for GIMP called net-fu which does just this.  This is
what we used as a starting point for our site, FlamingText.com.  Bryan
Livingston of CoolText.com used to be the maintainer of this package, but 
i'm not sure if he still is.

net-fu contains a bunch of modified script-fu scripts (interactive stuff 
removed, output saved to file), and a couple of CGI's.  One CGI
dynamically generates forms to get the script parameters (text, colors,
font, fontsize, etc) and another submits "jobs" to the script-fu server
plug-in running inside a GIMP that is started in batch mode.


www.flamingtext.com -- Real-time Graphics Generator -- It's fast + it's FREE!

* Headings      * Buttons       * Arrows        * Backgrounds
* Animations    * Bullets       * Dividers      * Wallpaper
* Clipart       * Mouseover Effects             * E-Mail Signatures

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