scl wrote:

> And: contributions are not only coding. For example user support,
> bug reporting and triaging, documentation, translation, contributing
> high-quality assets, test and constructive user feedback/domain
> guidance, website maintenance are also contributions and they don't
> need knowledge of Linux application development.

damn right, there are so many more ways to contribute.

a structure for making sense of this:

- define as a project which types of contributors we need to attract
- be realistic, for each of these groups, about
 - which skills they need to bring (re building and code)
 - on what installation (latest release, or daily build?) they need to be
 - do they really need to build something as part of their contribution process?
- evaluate what is there right now; note what is crummy and what is missing.

then you know what needs to be done.


        founder + principal interaction architect
            man + machine interface works on interaction architecture

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