> Von: "Michael Bauer" <f...@akerbeltz.org>

> But the really big problem is for locales not supported by the OS, many 
> medium to small locales fall into this category. If someone localizes 
> GIMP into, for the sake of argument, Dyirbal (one of the bigger 
> Australian languages), then they are stuffed unless the application 
> offers a manual UI language selection because the OS certainly doesn't 
> offer Dyirbal. In fact 95% of the world's 6000 languages are not 
> supported as locales by most OS.

I hadn't thought about that, even. I wonder what the official stance of Apple 
is there (some carefully worded "we care about market share" probably).

Simone, I hope this can convince you to not remove that code from GIMP?

P.S. Simone, are there are any other changes like this, ones that greatly alter 
how your build works compared to a non-modified one?

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