No, you don't need to do that. The language black magic is not involved.

I use a script to launch Gimp and make all the libraries available.
The script is inspired by Simone's 2.6.x script and modified for my

So, I set the language in the script and you all set. The script
obviously creates a local environment and so it does not interfere
with the User Interface language.

Without the language setting, GTK will set the locale to "C" and Gimp
will not be able to change it. With a language setting, GTK is happy
and Gimp is happy.

Sven, no, I didn't use commit. I know what you did there but I don't
think it's necessary.


On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 8:45 AM, scl <> wrote:
> On  21.9.2014 at 2:22 PM Michael Bauer wrote:
>> Ok, good news, between the indomitable Partha and myself (mostly Partha,
>> I was just testing), we managed to identify the problem and Partha was
>> able to fix it and provide a working build.
>> Fault finding eventually got us to running
>> After running
>> $ export LC_ALL="de_DE.UTF-8
>> $ cd /ApplicationS/
>> $ ./gimp-bin
> This means to have to set the language outside GIMP in a terminal
> window and seems to partially bring back the language black magic
> we removed from the build because it was unmaintainable.
> Partha, did you also try commit ef0ef921b8dcb49ee82acba6540b69e6617c65d9
> I presented in my message from 14.09.14 at 3:08 P.M.? It works for me
> in an environment without access to the build prefix.
> Kind regards
> Sven
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