El lun, 05-10-2015 a las 13:06 +0300, Alexandre Prokoudine escribió:
> On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 6:35 AM, Andrea Bortesi wrote:
> > Hi to all, I'm searching for someone to write an gimp plugin for
> > me.
> > I'm unable to do it.
> > I don't know how to do in this case.
> > I'm sorry if this is not the correct place to call help.
> > If someone have time to spend for me please contact me.
> > The plugin should visualize the live webcam image into a layer.
> > I need it to overlay other image with transparent portion to see
> > through it
> > the webcam video.
> > Is intended only to see the result in real time, not to generate a
> > static
> > image.
> Hi Andrea,
> GIMP is not the right tool for that.
> Perhaps you would have more luck with some VJ app that would take
> your live video input, overlay some image on top of it, and display
> the composite image on a display. On Linux that would be FreeJay,
> Lives, VeeJay, or Qeve.

Hi Andrea,
if you were willing to write a plugin, then you can also try
Processing. (www.processing.org)

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