On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 11:07 AM, Sam Gleske wrote:

> I'd rather dpkg -i or rpm -i to install a package than use a 3rd party
> app.  For Windows/Mac platforms I'd say it's useful but for Linux I don't
> have much of a use for it.  I had proposed a 3rd party platform to be
> distro-independent in the past (Steam) but there wasn't much interest
> around supporting that.

Sam, I think I'm missing something. What's really needed is a static
build of up-to-date version of GIMP. That's all.

It doesn't have to be RPM, and it doesn't have to be DEB. It doesn't
even have to be installable. A simple static build inside a tarball,
provided by download.gimp.org, will work just fine. Thousands and
thousands of Blender users will confirm.

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