On  31.1.2016 at 4:29 PM Stefan Rohde wrote:
I can not display images that I have prepared and saved with GIMP 2.8.14
(under Windows 10) in jpg-format on my TV or via a digital box (WD TV).
On my PC its no problem!
The Thumbnailes can be seen but the images can not be read!
I have also tried several setting for the jpg-saving.

Other images I prepared with former versions are working well!

Do you have an idea or information !?

Hi Stefan,

did you also try various settings of the subsampling
(in the German dialog box: Zwischenschritte, although
'Farbunterabtastung' is the proper translation here)?
If you report a bug, please make sure to use version 2.8.16 which
is the latest.



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