I recommend this small change to the current download page:

On Sun, Mar 27, 2016 at 7:44 PM, C R <caj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Actually, I'm on Linux, and I don't see the file size listed either.
> I don't personally care much, because I know that GIMP is damn small
> compared to most high-powered graphics applications, but still I can see
> that some folks may care the first time they download from the website.
> If anything, the file size should be listed as a benefit to using GIMP. :)
> > It would also be nice if people could see good reasons not to comment,
> > as one user has posted online (I think at answers.yahoo.com), that GIMP
> > is "not as good as Photoshop".
> We're not anti-Photoshop, we are pro-GIMP. :) People can have their
> opinions, and we should either cheerfully accept them, or post friendly
> suggestions on how to do the Photoshop-like things they desire in GIMP to
> convince them otherwise. I've found that anything else would be a waste of
> (everyone's) time. For some, nothing but Photoshop will work for their
> graphics needs. It's no use arguing with them, because they have already
> made up their mind, and it's more important to think they are correct than
> it is to learn new things and expand your graphics tool-set. However if you
> can post a tutorial or links to show how the same effects can be done in
> GIMP, it will go a long way to get others around to seeing what an
> excellent tool GIMP is for pro-grade graphics work.
> My 2p.
> -C
> -
> On Sun, Mar 27, 2016 at 6:55 PM, Paka <ptilopt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> * mailrea...@juno.com <mailrea...@juno.com> [03-27-16 13:30]:
>> > It would be nice if the website said how much free space is required to
>> > download the program and to run it, and what other things might be
>> > useful to use with it and where they can be found and how big they are.
>> They are but you apparently are not familiar enough with your chosen
>> system to determine them.  You don't even mention what operating system
>> you use, but one might hazard a pretty accurate guess.
>> > It would also be nice if people could see good reasons not to comment,
>> > as one user has posted online (I think at answers.yahoo.com), that GIMP
>> > is "not as good as Photoshop".
>> But "nice" is unreasonable :)
>> --
>> (paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri
>> http://en.opensuse.org    openSUSE Community Member
>> facebook/ptilopteri
>> http://wahoo.no-ip.org        Photo Album:
>> http://wahoo.no-ip.org/gallery2
>> Registered Linux User #207535                    @
>> http://linuxcounter.net
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