On 04/24/2016 12:30 PM, Tobias Ellinghaus wrote:
Am Sonntag, 24. April 2016, 09:54:25 schrieb Elle Stone:


Speaking specifically of the GIMP-darktable code, it seems the
GIMP-darktable code opens an already-processed 8-bit jpeg. It doesn't
open the darktable raw processor interface and allow the user to choose
the processing parameters and output bitdepth. Is this what is supposed
to happen? I'm using darktable-2.0.3 from Gentoo portage and GIMP 2.9.3
updated from git master this morning.

Then something isn't working for you. It's hardcoded to export 32bit float EXR
as linear Rec709 after opening up your regular darktable. Did you manually
select the Canon or Nikon format in the open dialog?

Maybe I don't understand what you mean by "select the Canon or Nikon format in the open dialog"? If it matters, the sample raw file I'm trying to open is a Canon CR2 file.

After selecting "File/Open" and looking under the tab that allows you to select which file types to show, there doesn't seem to be any Canon or Nikon format listed. There used to be an option to select camera raw files, but that option seems to have disappeared recently.

FWIW, I updated GIMP 2.9.3 from git this morning and there has been some new "file type magic" code added. But opening the Canon CR2 file still results in an 8-bit jpeg, accompanied by various terminal and popup errors and warnings.


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