To translate gegl correctly, I need to understand. And I don't understand well some strings, not finding explanations on the Web:

-/"how wide peel off bands for ink order vis"/

What is "vis"?

- "/Do a chain of operations, with key=value pairs after each operation name to "// //"set properties. And aux=[ source filter ] for specifying a chain with a "//
//"source as something connected to an aux pad."/

"aux pad" : auxiliary tablet computer?

- /"Changes the light level and contrast. This operation operates in linear "// //"light, 'contrast' is a scale factor around 50%% gray, and 'brightness' a "//
//"constant offset to apply after contrast scaling."/

"50%% gray": 50%?

I hope I don't disturb you too much.

Julien Hardelin

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