Hello Vladimir,

Unless mistaken, we never had any follow-up on your help proposition.
We are still very interested in any help on automatic testing
procedures. Our current continuous builds have been really shaky these
last months, with server issues for months at a time, and such. We
would appreciate some stable and reliable CI. Even more now that GIMP
2.10 release is approaching fast.

Are you still interested by this topic at Red Hat?
We would welcome any collaboration on the topic. :-)


On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 2:08 AM, Jehan Pagès <jehan.marmott...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Vladimir,
> On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 2:33 PM, Vladimír Beneš <vbe...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> we (at Red Hat) are very interested in GIMP as we do use it and we also
>> do test it (but not the latests releases). We would like to start or
>> participate in an automated testing efforts of upstream releases or
>> possibly master branch. I am not sure if you have anything ready for
>> automated testing of latest code but I wasn't able to find anything. We
>> do have some basic test set in-house but coverage is really far away
>> from ideal and as we have some resources to invest it would be nice to
>> properly cooperate in upstream directly.
>> We would be quite interested to set up a CI system if there is none or
>> possibly use GNOME continuous if applicable. Definitely open to ideas
>> here.
> We actually already have a server running Jenkins at
> https://build.gimp.org/ for CI. This said, there is currently only one
> administrator (Sam Gleske, aka "samrocketman" on IRC) for this server,
> and depending on his personal schedule (voluntary contributions), we
> happened to have extended periods of time (sometimes up to months)
> with the continuous integration broken.
> Therefore I guess we would be happy to cooperate. You should get in
> touch with Sam. What we discussed recently with Sam was:
> 1/ We'd like more administrators to share the work because when the
> build server gets broken for months without anyone able to do anything
> about it, that sucks. And such unreliability makes it useless for even
> thinking about more advanced uses.
> 2/ We'd like to have as much of the CI process, scripts, and
> everything documented (probably in a versionned repository) so that
> developers are able to at least understand, access and maintain the
> system a minimum when system admins disappear (less a problem with
> several admins of course), and so that the job can be passed along
> when needed. I'd like to avoid black box issues.
> Basically our first goal is to make our system more reliable and
> transparent. These are our main worries right now regarding CI.
>> As for coding style we are quite happy users of python Behave [1]
>> framework in not only GNOME projects using Dogtail [2] over a11y layer
>> or some kind of expect [3] if tests are cli based. For the code
>> readability and easiness to code we do use python to connect all these
>> together.
>> A good example of such code is in gnome-calculator [4] in feature files
>> or in gnome-boxes [5].
> I think, us developers, are opened to ideas improving our continuous
> integration, on server side and in new tests in our build system. Just
> propose us what you have in mind.
> Once again, I think what really matters to us is reliability: if
> something is done, it must be meaningful, maintained and not break
> tomorrow. CI is meant to help development, not become a burden to us.
> :-)
> Obviously contributions from RedHat, I would expect some good level of
> maintenance. So we are definitely interested.
>> If you have any ideas where our cooperation should start or if you have
>> something ready and just not visible to us please point me to the right
>> direction.
> Well you are welcome to propose us something, on the mailing list, or
> through a bug report… And probably coming discuss this on IRC (#gimp
> on irc.gimp.org) would be a first step.
> The point is that any idea on this topic will rather be your level of
> expertise (or Sam's) than ours, so we are open to suggestions.
> Jehan
>> Looking forward to hearing from you,
>> Vladimir
>> [1] http://pythonhosted.org/behave/tutorial.html
>> [2] https://fedorahosted.org/dogtail/
>> [3] https://pexpect.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
>> [4] https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-calculator/tree/tests
>> [5] https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-boxes/tree/tests
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> ZeMarmot open animation film
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