On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 04:17:00 +0300 (GMT), "Oleg Bartunov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, Manish Singh wrote:
> > I've added you to the access list. For future reference, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > is the appropriate contact point for such issues.
> count ftp://ftp.sai.msu.su/pub/unix/graphics/gimp/mirror
> as Russian mirror site

I have added your site to the list of mirrors in {ftp}/etc/mirrors and on
the web page http://www.gimp.org/download.html.  If any information is
incorrect about your mirror or other mirrors, please tell me or submit a
bug report in bugzilla (component "www.gimp.org") and I will update the
list as soon as possible.

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