On 07 Jan 2003 02:19:55 +0100
Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   stock-copy-object.png
     et al

stock-delete.png  I used the one found in the build
gimp-1.3.11/themes/Default/images/stock-delete-16.png and rescaled x3 to make a 
stock-delete.png (48x48)

http://www.webone.com.au/~oc/gfigiconsxcf.tar.gz holds the above + the xcf file for 
all icons other than the copy and delete icons(59K) 

http://www.webone.com.au/~oc/gfigicons.tar.gz has all the icons (12K)

With the exception of the delete and copy images, the others are just redrawn gfig 
figures, no imagination has been applied.

For the GFig "About" graphic, do you want something similiar?


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