Since Roman has offered to improve the metadata handling in GIMP, Sven
asked me to document what my plans were for the metadata editor and the
JPEG plug-in.  Well, these plans are best summarized in the mail that I
sent last year:

Basically, every single line of that message is still relevant today.
So I will not quote the whole message again, but I encourage those who
are interested in metadata to read it entirely.

This follow-up message may also be interesting, regarding which Exif
tags should be updated automatically by GIMP and why GIMP should never
ask the user if an image should be rotated automatically or not:

That's about it for the plans.  You should stop reading now if you
are not interested in the details.  :-)

---------- scary details below this line ----------

Maybe a few points from the first message (2.6 roadmap) should be
clarified a bit.  In that message, I wrote:
>  + migrate some parts of the metadata core to a library that can be
>    used by the main app. as well as some plug-ins

Currently, the metadata is stored in an XMP packet inside a GIMP
parasite attached to the image.  While XMP is a good format for
storage in files, it is not ideal for manipulation (updates and
queries).  It would be better it the metadata tree could remain in
memory while the image is open, instead of being converted to/from XMP
all the time.  Also, by having this tree attached to the image and
accessible directly by the core for updates and queries, it would be
possible to have the metadata updated in real-time whenever the image
is modified by some tools or plug-ins.  This would allow some of the
metadata to be displayed in the image info window, or maybe in the
status bar of the image (more and more programs are doing that).

Currently, the metadata tree is only available inside the metadata
editor, which is implemented as a plug-in.  This results in several
round-trips via the PDB whenever something must be updated.  For
example, assuming that Exif would now be handled correctly, the
current implementation would lead to the following scenario when a
JPEG image is saved:

- the JPEG plug-in calls "plug-in-metadata-set" to update some metadata
- this is passed to GIMP
- GIMP starts the metadata editor plug-in
- the metadata editor asks GIMP to get the parasite attached to the image
- the parasite (XMP) is parsed and stored in a tree
- the tree is updated according to what was requested
- the tree is encoded into a parasite (XMP)
- the metadata editor asks GIMP to attach the parasite to the image,
  then it exits
- (if there is some window currently displaying the metadata associated
  with that image, it is *not* updated)
- the JPEG plug-in is informed that the operation was successful
- the JPEG plug-in calls "plug-in-metadata-encode-exif" in order to get
  an Exif block from the updated metadata
- this is passed to GIMP
- GIMP starts the metadata editor plug-in again
- the metadata editor asks GIMP to get the parasite attached to the image
- the parasite (XMP) is parsed and stored in a tree
- the metadata editor updates some metadata that must be updated when an
  image is saved
- the updated tree is encoded into a parasite (XMP)
- the metadata editor asks GIMP to attach the updated parasite
- (if there is some window currently displaying the metadata associated
  with that image, it is *not* updated)
- the contents of the tree are encoded in Exif
- the metadata editor returns an array with the Exif block and exits
- GIMP returns the array to the JPEG plug-in
- the JPEG plug-in can now save the file with the Exif block, then exit
- (if there is some window currently displaying the metadata associated
  with that image, the user must remember to refresh the view)

And here is what would happen if the metadata tree could be managed by
the GIMP core, but we still assume that the conversion to/from Exif is
done by an external plug-in:

- the JPEG plug-in calls "gimp-metadata-set" to update some metadata
- this is passed to GIMP, which updates the metadata attached to the
- (if there is some window currently displaying the metadata associated
  with that image, it *will be* updated)
- the JPEG plug-in is informed that the operation was successful
- the JPEG plug-in calls "gimp-metadata-encode-exif" in order to get an
  Exif block from the updated metadata
- GIMP updates some metadata that must be updated when an image is saved
- (if there is some window currently displaying the metadata associated
  with that image, it *will be* updated)
- GIMP starts the metadata editor plug-in
- the metadata editor makes several calls to "gimp-metadata-get" in order
  to retrieve the parts of the metadata that are relevant for Exif
- GIMP returns the requested data (from its internal tree)
- the metadata editor encodes that information in an Exif block
- the metadata editor returns an array with the Exif block and exits
- GIMP returns the array to the JPEG plug-in
- the JPEG plug-in can now save the file with the Exif block, then exit

Furthermore, here is what would happen if the metadata tree could be
managed by the GIMP core and some common metadata operations (such as
the conversion to/from Exif) would be in a "libgimp-metadata" library
linked directly with the file plug-ins that need it:

- the JPEG plug-in calls "gimp-metadata-set" to update some metadata
- this is passed to GIMP, which updates the metadata attached to the
- (if there is some window currently displaying the metadata associated
  with that image, it *will be* updated)
- the JPEG plug-in is informed that the operation was successful
- the JPEG plug-in calls "gimp-update-metadata-for-save" in order tell
  GIMP that the image is about to be saved
- GIMP updates some metadata that must be updated when an image is saved
- (if there is some window currently displaying the metadata associated
  with that image, it *will be* updated)
- the JPEG plug-in makes several calls to "gimp-metadata-get" in order to
  retrieve the parts of the updated metadata that are relevant for Exif
- the JPEG plug-in calls the library functions for encoding that metadata
  into an Exif block (the previous step could even be performed by the
  library functions so that the JPEG plug-in would not have to care).
- the JPEG plug-in can now save the file with the Exif block, then exit

Sorry for the long details, but using an example like this is probably
the best way to explain why it would make sense to have some parts of
the metadata handling performed by a library, and why it would be
better if the metadata tree could be managed by the GIMP core instead
of being constantly converted to/from XMP and stored in a parasite.

In my message from last year, I also wrote:
>  + convert EXIF to XMP
>  + convert XMP to EXIF

The initial goal of the code that I started writing (and never finished)
for the conversion to/from Exif was to get rid of the dependency on
libexif.  That library had caused several severe stability problems in
the past and most developers (including myself) wanted to replace it by
some code that was more stable.

However, the known bugs in libexif have now been fixed (some updates have
not been released yet, but that's another issue) and after studying how
some people (and the programs they use) are using the Exif data, I am now
convinced that preserving the Exif MakerNotes is very important.  This is
the trickiest part of Exif and this is where most of the time was spent
in libexif or other libraries (exiv2, etc.).  Since parsing and updating
MakerNotes is a difficult task, I think that it is better to leave that
job to libexif instead of re-inventing the wheel.  So contrary to what I
originally planned, I think that the code for converting to/from Exif
should be based on that library.  This will also make our code smaller
and easier to maintain.

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