Hi all,

peter sikking schrieb:
> but some crucial things depend on the bg color.
> the gradient tool being the big show-stopper for me.
> the tool needs a redesign, but up to then the fg->bg
> type of interaction looks to be the most (universally)
> usable to me.

i think the gradient tool would work equally well if
the swatches were named "left" -> "right".
When i want a red->yellow gradient on a blue background,
i even have to override my background color.

I'd like to add that a 'background' can only be defined in
artistic terms. (I learned that when 'foreground select' tool
came along: "i already have a fg color, what's that for?!?"...)

> some medium level observations:
> [..]

total agreement here (leaving the PNG corner case aside)


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