
On Sun, 2009-06-07 at 12:22 +0300, Ioan Calin Borcoman wrote:

> My gimpsketchbook app is offering an alternative (extended) interface
> for gimp via a plugin that acts as a proxy between the gimpsketchbook
> and gimp.
> I would like to be able to add buttons for selecting the current
> active tool (for example, select the pencil or the paintbrush) or to
> execute undo/redo. Unfortunately, there are no functions in pdb for
> any of these. Any idea how I can implement these?

It is not the purpose of the PDB to allow scripting of the GIMP UI.

There is no interface exported by GIMP that would allow to do what you
are asking for. Except for the accessibility interface that GTK+
exports. It may be possible to do what you are asking for using this
framework. Have a look at at-spi, dogtail and ldtp.


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