
Ah.  The usability guy?  I'd love to talk usability, noticed a few usability
issues in 2.7.1 [the only one available to me on OSX, don't know how many
issues have been fixed] if you're interested, send me an email :)

I asked on #gimp and the one person who responded told me to ask the
developer mailing list :) that's why I'm here.  I could check again, I

No worries, is there someone ultimately responsible for the icon?  I suppose
the icon is probably not a pressing concern among the devs :/ and I'm not
familiar with how the icon got decided the last couple of times.  Maybe
talking to the previous designer would be a good idea?  Thanks for helping,
know the icon isn't your responsibility.

I'll look forward to the interview, as I said I really appreciate the
opportunity–hopefully you can send me more details as the time approaches?

Oh, and most of what I said is drawn from the holy grail of ui, the Apple
which covers icons, gui, interaction–everything design related in an app.
 Very handy reference, it explains the standards and, more importantly, the
thoughts behind them.

Best of luck.

On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Tobias Ehni <tobias.e...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> @c55 inator to clarify:
> I'm just the usability guy on the project, not a developer or maintainer.
> I'm not entitled to deciding upon the icon of GIMP.
> To find out who is, maybe checking the irc channel might help
> (http://www.gimp.org/irc.html).
> I did not mean to refuse your offer.
> I just wanted to recruit you for an interview, because your work showed me
> that
> you are one of the guys I'm interested in for these interviews... ;-)
> ...for which we can use a text-based platform (in October, when the
> interviews will be conducted).
> And I think you're right about what you're writing about icons.
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