> I was alerted by Stanislav Brabec about a problem with menu
> translations. In his translation of Logulator to czech, he properly
> changed all occurences of "Logulator", but, while the gimp displays the
> menus _within_ the Filters/Logulator menu correctly, the Logulator menu
> itself NOT being translated.
> I admit that the time where I even remotely understood how translations is
> to be handled has long gone, thus:
> What do I (or the translators) to do so that menus get translated
> correctly, all of them, with all components?
> Stanislav told me to add Logulator to app/menus.c. This might be a
> palatable workaround for 1.2, but I would prefer a real fix ;->
Adding the Logulator to app/menus.c is the correct fix (at least for now).
Of course, you only need to add the submenu name to menus.c, not all the
Logulator scripts. 

Salut, Sven

BTW: Is the word Logulator translatable?

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