Roman Joost <> writes:

> Hi,
> I reorganized a bit and merged the downloads page with the
> index. A lot of people asked about printable documentation and couldn't
> really find the releases - I hope this will be easier now.
> I still can't upload/update the PDFs for the current work. Not much
> space left on wilber. Hope this will be changed with the new server
> soon.

I have two service machines, which are running FreeBSD. Well i have no
skills in operating for gimp docs services. Though i would be offer one
of them for gimp project after discussions. Any comments?


소여물 황병희(黃炳熙) | .. 출항 15분전..

"At the end of the month you can go back to Hollywood and this PEZZONOVANTE,
this .90 caliber will give you what job you want. Done?"
                -- Vito Corleone, "Chapter 1", page 39

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