I can rewrite that section for 2.6 - it's not much of a change - and keep
this version for when, gnu willing, the new version comes out.

2011/3/29 Julien Hardelin <jm.h...@wanadoo.fr>

> Hi Roman,
> > On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 07:07:00AM +0100, Julien Hardelin wrote:
> >> For that, we need:
> >> - a separated git module for gimp-help-2.8, containing a copy of the
> >> present gimp-help-2 at first.
> >> - a gimp-doc-wiki(like the old we had) with the list of features that
> >> must be updated, and the possibility of knowing who works on what.
> > Perhaps for this, the developers wouldn't mind if the documentation team
> > could use the wiki as well?
> >
> > I could perhaps ask on the developer mailing list for this
> > opportunity...
> >
> The wiki is not the most important as long as contributors are few.
> But what about a separated module for gimp-help-pre-2.8?
> Michael sent a re-written quickie.xml file. This tutorial is much better
> than the present one, but it refers to the Export command, which is a
> gimp-2.7 feature.
> I can't push it to the gimp-help-2 repository.
> Michael is a valuable recruit for gimp-help. I'm afraid he will turn
> discouraged if its work is not validated.
> Cheers,
> Julien
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