
On 2017-02-19 17:34, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 2:25 AM, Jehan wrote:

I don't understand at-all what you mean. I just opened GIMP and tested. You can get a 1-pixel brush without any problem. The brush size is one of the top settings available in any of the paint tools (like the paintbrush or the
pencil tools indeed) options.

Jehan, please actually do that with 1px brush for Paintbrush and for
Pencil. Then zoom in and check what size the Paintrbush's stroke
actually is :)

I don't understand what I am supposed to see.
I regularly had to do 1px modifications, and do these kind of tests regularly. I did test again just before I answered my previous message, because this assertion was so weird to me, so I needed to be double-sure I didn't dream my previous usage of 1px brushes.

Now I redid a test, and here is a screenshot I made just now of a single drawn pixel with a 1x1 brush and the pencil tool: https://lut.im/h47pvpgMGg/Ow4nJZkaKYn6kZ04.png

Of course, I can also do 1px width/height lines without a problem, and so on.

Obviously now, if you try drawing with the paintbrush tool, clicking not exactly on a pixel center, it will draw on several pixels, because it tries to interpolate. That's how the tool works. Also that's the nature of pixels, which are the smallest elements in a raster image. Use the pencil tool instead if you don't want any interpolation attempt.

Or maybe I just don't understand some other problem you are referring to. Because as far as I am concerned, I have no problem drawing single pixels with brush tools.


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