All, recently updated GIMP to 2.99.12 and the GMIC plugin no longer appears
on the Filter menu. I'm using the Flatpak for 2.99.12 (which was updated
when I updated my distribution from 20.04 to 22.04). GIMP works fine, it's
just getting GMIC to show up. I confirm that GMIC-QT is installed and runs
fine as a standalone app. But no matter what I do, the gmic_gimp_qt plugin
that gets installed in /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/gmic_gimp_qt is not
recognized by GIMP 2.99.12 on load. In fact, even with --verbose output
starting GIMP from a terminal there is no output of any kind that appears
to touch it -- no reading plugin, no error on attempting to read the
plugin. It's as if it's not there. I've copied the files from
/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins to multiple locations (e.g.,
~/.config/GIMP/2.99/Plug-ins/) attempting to get GIMP to at least see it
and then hopefully toss an error of some kind, but nothing doing. I've
- gmic_ubuntu22.04_jammy_amd64.deb
- gmic_3.1.6_ubuntu22.04_jammy_amd64.deb
- GMIC 3.0 Flatpak

The .deb packages downloaded from GMIC. Nothing doing. GIMP 2.10.12 works
just fine and GMIC appears on the Filters menu. Just not GIMP 2.99.12. GMIC
worked with 2.99.8 (my previous version of GIMP).

Any help is appreciated.
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