>On Sun, 2012-05-13 at 09:18 +0200, ceas wrote:
>> i don't know what for the F6 too
>> but for the F1 key i do try able/ disable from the ubuntu 
>> both show me the help of the gimp  after press the F1

>The gtk toolkit uses F1 for Help, and I think F6 to switch between
>different parts of an application.

>I advise against trying to use F1 because one day you'll actually want
>the context-sensitive help :-)

>You could add to ~/.gimp-2.8/gtkrc (or whichever is your gimp directory)

>unbind "F1"
>unbind "F6"

>and see if that helps.

still no work
but thanks liam

ceas (via gimpusers.com)
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