On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Mehrdad wrote:

>>> my teacher read the book fast and i should draw as fast as him.
>>That sounds like sketching to me. Why not just use the brush or the pencil 
> you mean using brush (or pencil) is the last chance??? no other way?

There is no faster way to do that in GIMP currently. You can set a
shortcut to the menu command that activates selection stroking, but
you still have to confirm stroking settings.

Alternatively, you could use Inkscape that has a nice text tool and
easy drawing of geometric shapes.

It really depends on a few factors like whether the circles should be
pretty or geometrically correct. If you only need those circles around
text for yourself, brush/pencil could do the work.

Alexandre Prokoudine
gimp-user-list mailing list

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