On 21.09.12 at 07:17 am elmer 44m wrote:

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 10:47 PM, scl <scl.gp...@gmail.com> wrote:
this is easy:
1. Create a new transparent layer above the image layer and activate
2. Use the Clone tool, enable 'Sample merged' and use a soft brush
for cloning.
3. Select the source region. It should have the same or a very
similar color and structure as the destination region.
4. Clone the dust spot away. Use the Healing tool and layer opacity
to refine your work.
5. To make the outline softer, you can blur it with the Gaussian blur
filter. To undo some cloned parts and uncover the original image use
the Eraser tool on the upper layer.
All this is too complicated. Just use the Healing Tool.

Hi Elmer,

your right in the point that the Healing tool has just one step while the other way as five. It's a very easy and smart way, but doesn't offer a possibility to edit or revert the changes later at any arbitrary time. Many roads lead to Rome and I described the nondestructive one. It has the benefit of being able to edit or revert the work later (see steps 4 and 5), even after having gone a few steps further in the meantime.
As you stated correctly, it has more steps and thus looks more complicated.
So, David now knows three methods (the Healing tool, the nondestructive way and content-aware fill) and it's up to him to prefer one or to decide for each scenario. Hopefully GIMP will combine the power of nondestructive editing with the ease of using just a single tool one day. With respect to the roadmap it's yet a future milestone, but the first steps are currently being gone with the GEGL port.

Kind regards,

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