On 08/13/2013 07:20 PM, ajtiM wrote:
I am GIMP user from time when GIMP came out and I was all the time Unix user. 
For me is GIMP 2.8 better than 2.6 and I believe that Photoshop is written by 
programmers too…

1) Yes photoshop is written by programmers too but these programmers are assisted by professional users of image editing and professional photographers. 2) Photoshop is first made for professionals needs, then for "amateur" users. For Gimp, it is the opposite.

On Aug 13, 2013, at 1:01 PM, M_Leverette <for...@gimpusers.com> wrote:

Developers of GIMP,

I realize that the GIMP is written by programmers and not photographers or
artists.  I can no longer see financially supporting the GIMP beyond 2.6 due to
the poor decisions made in 2.8. I much prefer to use GIMP over PS and other
commercial software I have at my disposal.

It is with a heavy heart I tell the GIMP community.  Unless the developers
correct obvious issues made by "so-called" improvements, in the next release, I
see no future for GIMP at all.  I know there are few of you who will read this
and say, who cares?  I do. That is why I will continue to use 2.6.7 for as long
as I can.

But the developers of GIMP will have to do it without my funding until they get
back on the right track. Until then, I will be waiting.




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