On 07.11.2013 22:08, Keith Purtell wrote:

> Today I converted a client logo to a Web png in GIMP. Simple blue text on a
> transparent background. Although the GIMP original shows nothing but
> "checkerboard" around the text, each time I exported a png, it ended up
> with a white line across the top. After some tinkering, I stopped it from
> doing that by making the canvas slightly taller. Possible reasons? (Tried
> Google but find anyone else w/same prob.)

In a few similar cases, users have found that the image size and the
expected size in the html code where it was used were different, and
that caused the error.

GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD
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