
On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 9:21 AM, scl <scl.gp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> another option to consider is [Cinepaint]. It started out from GIMP
> years ago and evolved to an open-source tool for Hollywood
> productions.

I knew about it, but last time I checked the development was stalled
for years. So I considered it abandonned. It seems the author finally
restarted dev and made a release this year.

> Perhaps it meets your needs or gives you, Jehan, some inspiration
> for your work on GIMP 2.10.

Well I'll have a look. I don't have too big a hope though. Saying it
is for "Hollywood productions" is not enough to make a good software,
and actually is not helping me to trust it. But I'll install it.
I may be surprised, who knows?!


> Kind regards,
> Sven
> [Cinepaint]: http://www.cinepaint.org/
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