12 февр. 2014 г. 2:41 пользователь "Kalle Söderman" <
kalle.soder...@gmail.com> написал:
> Hi,
> Long time Gimp user with unresolved problem here. One of the many task I
> use Gimp for is collaging images of spaces and buildings for work. We
> have Photoshop licences but I find some of the Gimp workflow better.
> I frequently need to correct perspective (or scale for that matter) to
> match a feature of the underlaying layers. The problem is that a not
> transformed copy of the object stays in place behind the transform
> obscuring the underlaying image and preventing accurate transform.

Yes, it's a well-known issue.

> Is there a setting or alternative workflow to achieve what I'm looking
> for?

No, we just need to fix that abomination :)

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