I don't use Windows, but this seems to be an eternal problem.

So I set about going through the motions of downloading a windows version 

   Start at http://www.gimp.org/downloads/

   Then "Show other downloads" 

   Then "Windows"

Comment: This assumes that if a Windows version is not in the main listing, it 
must be in "Other downloads"
I do not believe this to be user friendly to Windows users, particularly as 
they probably make up 80% of users?

But then having got to the Windows section, the first line reads;

   The Windows installer packages by Jernej Simončič are distributed from the
   GIMP HTTP server (download.gimp.org) and its mirror servers

Comment: Clicking on download.gimp.org presents a directory listing. 
I could imagine Windows users rolling over to die at this point! But continuing 
it then offers first a torrent

   Download GIMP 2.8.14 <<---Link to torrent
   If the torrent download doesn't work, you can also follow this link<<--link 
to exe file.

It's no wonder users attempting to download gimp end up with infected programs 
which are probably easier to access from a Google search.

So that's my rant, my suggestion to the keeper of the download page is to put 
the Windows version at the top;

   GIMP for Windows
    Torrent link
    program link



> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 at 9:29 AM
> From: "Pat David" <patda...@gmail.com>
> To: SportShots <for...@gimpusers.com>, gimp-user-list@gnome.org
> Cc: notificati...@gimpusers.com
> Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] program crashes
> Could you clarify what you mean by GIMP website _then_ gimpusers.com?
> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 11:19 AM SportShots <for...@gimpusers.com> wrote:
> > >Where did you download GIMP from? What OS are you running? What were
> > >you
> > >doing just before it showed you this error?
> >
> > GIMP website then gimpusers.com
> > Windows 7 PRO
> > I was adding a new layer to an image (I already had multiple layers)
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