On 12 February 2015 at 04:17, Geoffrey Sougnez
<geoffrey.b.soug...@gsk.com> wrote:
> Good morning,
> Can you explain me how can I have the name of the picture when I print it?

What do you mean?: You want the file name of an image to show up
as a caption to printed images?

If so, that is not possible with GIMP alone -
One would have to put up a script for it - and maybe, since
you won't want text constrained to your image resolution,
a LIbreoffice or Inkscape script.

> Thank you.
> Geoffrey Sougnez
> QC Biochimie B11
> GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines
> Building WN21-F4-056  |  Avenue Fleming  |  1300 Wavre  |  Belgium
> T: +3226564334  E: 
> geoffrey.b.soug...@gsk.com<mailto:geoffrey.b.soug...@gsk.com>
> [Description : Description : Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CD132C.27416BA0]
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