>As the file ceases to be a TIFF file in GIMP, it is quite curious if
>this only happened with TIFF files. Have you tried this with images
>imported from other file formats?
>You should file it as a bug and attach a sample file.

Yes, only with tiff files.

Unfortunately, I cannot attach the files; the tiff files are from automotive,
aerospace, and military sources, and I am not able to use gimp to edit out any
branding in the title blocks.  And since I have an nda with every source, I
cannot share the files without at least removing the cage code, customer
branding, etc.

More unfortunately, these industries all use tiff as the sole means of document
storage and transmission, so anyone working in the supply chain in these
industries must be able to have some method of viewing, marking, and printing
files in this format.

I just figured that gimp would have added better support for these file types,
as there is a pretty large number of people needing a good software solution for
this.  Don't get me wrong, it is great for jpgs and pngs and facebook pictures
and touching up pictures from phones, it really is excellent for that.  But it
just doesn't stand up to more demanding tasks.  Which is fine, I was just
wanting to see if it had gotten better in the past few years.

Ah, well.  Back to kinkos!

rpdayton (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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