(1)  Create a new image of any size (200 x 200 for example).
(2)  Click the "+" by Advanced options, and note the "Fill with:" combo box
/ dropdown.
(3)  Click OK.
(4)  Go to Layer -> Transparency -> Add alpha channel (if you didn't select
it during (2)).
(5)  Go to Image -> Canvas Size.
(6)  Change it to 300 width and 300 height, and click "Center".
(7)  Select "All layers" under "Resize layers:"
(8)  Click "Resize".

Note that there is a transparent border around the 200 x 200 center.  It
would be nice to have the same "Fill with:" option available in (2) under
the "Advanced Options".

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Michael Schumacher <schum...@gmx.de> wrote:

> On 12/12/2016 09:08 PM, Rick C. Hodgin wrote:
> > I'm using GIMP 2.8.18.
> >
> > I thought a nice feature would be to add "Create a New Image" to resize
> > canvas options (and specifically the "Fill with:" options -- background
> > color, foreground color, white, transparency).
> >
> > Right now it forces transparency if you're using an alpha channel and you
> > must paint.  And if there are pixels at the edge of the new transparent
> > area which fall within the threshold of the paint bucket, it spills over.
> Sorry... but I don't get what you are describing.
> Can you make a list of steps you currently have to do to achieve what
> you want, and a list of steps you'd like to do instead?
> --
> Regards,
> Michael
> GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD
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