On 01/01/17 20:15, Mariposa wrote:
I need help, I just downloaded Gimp 2.8.18 and tried edit a raw image. The image
doesn't load (other than a thumbnail picture). I've also tried to download an
older version (2.8.14) and still the same problem. It won't open Ufraw on its
own when I try to open a raw image and I tried installing it separately then
transferring it to gimp with still no success. Can anyone please help me?!
I have a Nikon D7200 camera, My images are NEF files.
Thank you in advance!

Native Gimp dosn't open RAW files. You need a plugin. UFRaw used to be the only one, but it is getting a bit obsolete. There is a new one called Photoflow:


But IMHO, the purpose of RAW is to spend time getting the most of the sensor data, and this takes some time and usually results in several version. So if you work on RAW, you can use the RAW apps directly on the file, save the results a good quality JPEG/TIFF files, and then open that in Gimp for the final touch-ups. There are many FOSS RAW applications.

The hang-out place for users of FOSS demosaicing apps is http://discuss.pixls.us

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