On 01/10/2017 05:44 PM, Casey Connor wrote:

I had planned to use
Argyll/displaycal, and make a matrix profile per your suggestions. I
think I read on your site that a LUT version would also be handy also
for using occasional perceptual rendering intent to get a feel for all
the detail in an image?

Yes, but depending on your monitor, normally it's better to not use the LUT profile for actual editing. And if you do use the LUT profile when editing, use relative colorimetric intent to convert to the monitor profile. Use perceptual intent for exploration, but not for editing, unless you know exactly what you are doing and why.

Truthfully I've only used my LUT monitor profile a couple of times to explore what might be hiding in the portions of an image that are clipped by a relative colorimetric conversion - in one image I was very surprised to see a whole lot of unexpected detail in areas that looked like there wasn't any detail at all.

So currently trying to soft proof to the built-in GIMP sRGB profile is
a waste of time as LCMS soft proofing will report that all the colors
are in gamut.

Hmmm... so if I have a wide-gamut image and set soft-proofing profile to
sRGB-elle-V4-srgbtrc.icc, soft proofing works -- that's because your
version of gimp's sRGB is amended in the necessary ways to make it so?

Soft proofing to sRGB-elle-V4-srgbtrc.icc (which is the exact same profile as the GIMP built-in sRGB profile) also doesn't work. The problem is in LCMS, not in the profiles. All software that uses LCMS and supports high bit depth and floating point editing is affected, and all the more so if the source color space has a linear gamma TRC. Follow the links in the GIMP bug report for more information: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=772266

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