Am 18.01.2017 um 21:02 schrieb Casey Connor:
Another note, in case it helps: I've been trying to get a working version of gimp/gmic on my machine just so I can get some stuff done, and I can't seem to do so, which had me wondering if the issue was due to some interaction of Kubuntu with gmic.

I tried a few of the AppImages from, and I tried my normal install with the latest gmic (2.0.0 pre-release) installed. Nothing worked. Even the AppImages that pre-dated my problem by months (gmic 1.7.5, etc) still didn't work. Some of them worked slightly better, but then I would free-select a region and run gmic and get the same crash.

I have a Kubuntu VM I'm going to experiment with a little and I'll let you know if I find anything interesting.

Incidentally, I also tried the recent Win 8.1 version from Partha (portable 'standard' version), and that also crashed. I just can't win. :-)

(More details on everything I've tried here: )

For a few minutes I've installed the lastest stable version - 1.7.9 - from my "official" repo, and surprise, surprise it crashes. I hope today's Gimp 2.9.5 version will close this issue.



On 01/18/2017 11:55 AM, Thorsten Stettin wrote:
Am 18.01.2017 um 20:41 schrieb Thorsten Stettin:

Ok, the problem seems to be a segmentation fault. Is any fucking good debugging guru out there? :-(

Am 18.01.2017 um 20:27 schrieb
That's a relief! I've trying really hard to come up with a way for David T to reproduce it and couldn't. Good to know I'm not alone.

I'm not familiar with your work -- are you maintaining the Otto Meier repo? Or GMIC?
Yes, I'm the maintainer.
Just wondering how I should fix my problems once you have worked your magic. :-)
For now I'm completely mystified. I'll do my very best.

Thanks for looking into it!
No thanks, it's a question of honour. :-D

I upgraded gmic to 2.0.0 from and the problem remains. Tried with a fresh .config/GIMP and same thing.

Anyone else seeing this? I'll report a bug to GMIC, but I thought I'd ask here in case anyone had a workaround... can't live without GMIC. :-)
Oops! The last time I was building G'MIC was at 2016-12-24. The version is 1.8.0_pre. I could reproduce that strange behavior. My environment is like yours: Kubuntu 16.10, Gimp 2.9.5 (36ebe03), G'MIC 2.0.0, all 64bit. I see: G'MIC 1.8.0_pre chrashes as well. I will build new Gimp packages. Shit! :'(

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