The graphic of a button, in itself, doesn't "do" anything on a web page.
You have to create the graphic, import it into the web page, and then
format it to do what you want. The specifics of how to format it are
going to vary depending on how you are building your site (writing the
code directly, using a web page creator, or something like joomla! or

On 1/25/2017 6:05 PM, Anthony Dunn wrote:
> Hi,
>     I'm trying to build a mockup of a site. I used to love working with
> Flash but I hear it's on its way out and I'd like to learn GIMP better. But
> I don't know how to make buttons that 'take the user to another page'. I've
> got to show how 5 pages link to one another, and how certain features link
> to their own content.. How does one make buttons that 'change the mockup's
> page'?
> The project's actually really cool, I'd even say it's the coolest thing I
> ever worked on. It's a 'wiki for all solutions to all problems in all
> areas. -even ones that aren't geographic or political. If anyone'd like to
> take a peek we've got visual and written walkthroughs posted at
> Thank you for your consideration,
>     Anthony Brasher
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