This is interesting...

"Win Brayer" wishes to be removed from this list because of
not having his issue addressed.

Yet, when I go to the archives (
and do a search for "Win Brayer", the only hit is the following message, from 
February 2014:
"Re: [Gimp-user] matting or anti-aliasing of shapes  Wed Feb 05 01:37:48 GMT 
which itself is merely a request to be removed from the list...!

Re: [Gimp-user] matting or anti-aliasing of shapes

From: Win Brayer <winbrayer cox net>
To: bktheman34 <forums gimpusers com>
Cc: team gimpusers com, gimp-user-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] matting or anti-aliasing of shapes
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 18:37:44 -0700

How do I stop receiving these emails.  I thought I had put a stop to them.

Win Brayer
winbrayer cox net
Home:  480-948-2160
Cell:  602-618-5230

I wonder where he actually posed his issue...
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