On 29/01/17 05:56, Paula Koval wrote:
Hello, All,

I don't wish to be a pain-in-the-ass, but I have found a YouTube video that
I have been able to follow, however, it does not yield a gif image with a
fixed text image on its top layer.  The layer that I have added flashes at
the playback rate of the gif image.

I have a suspicion that the video misses something about making a mirror
image and interleaving the layers.  Am I on the right path here, please?

Thank you for your consideration.


You have to add the text to all the frames, which means make as many copies of your text layer as you have frames, and merge each copy in each frame. Of course there are plugins and scripts for this, you can either use the GAP plugin or use my own "interleave-layers" plugin in "title" mode. See http://gimp-tools.sourceforge.net/animationtools.shtml

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