The issue has been solved. It was caused by directing the plug-ins folder (via 
Preferences) to a directory in which I’ve been collecting GIMP plug-ins from 
various sources. Usually, if one of these plug-ins was outdated, it simply 
wouldn’t run. This time, however, the entire program was compromised.

After removing the offending directory, everything once again works as it 

> On 01 Feb 2017, at 09:16, Partha Bagchi <> wrote:
> This typically means that some dylib is preventing those plugins from running.
> Please do the following. Open Terminal App. Carefully type the following:
> cp    /tmp/runMcGimp-2.9-*     ~/
> There should now be a logfile in your home folder called runMcGimp-2.9-std-(a 
> long series of numbers).log. Please send that file to me via email. My email 
> is at the bottom of my website.
> Thanks,
> Partha
> On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 9:08 AM, J Albrecht < 
> <>> wrote:
> I’ve recently installed Partha’s GIMP 2.95 std DMG based on commit c2e3d64. 
> Although the original version of the program worked flawlessly, this one 
> doesn’t recognise typical image files such as jpg, jpeg, png etc. When I try 
> to open any such fileI am greeted by a dialogue stating “… Unknown file type”
> Subsequently, I also installed Partha’s GIMP-CCE (commit edfde33) version . 
> Same problem: “… Unknown file type”
> I’ve no idea how to overcome this. Could somebody please give me a clue as to 
> what I must do? “Thanks" in advance.
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