On Fri, 10 Feb 2017 22:17:22 +0000, Marcel Valz wrote:

> 1 of the users got a new laptop with Win 10, after completing setup and 
> installing the current version of GIMP - I cannot find where or how to map 
> the F1 key to perform this function. Is that still available with Win 10?

That's got nothing to do with GIMP, and probably nothing to do with Windows
either - I'm guessing that the old laptops default to having the F-keys
mapped to media keys (and you need to press Fn+F1 to actually get F1), and
have HP's driver installed which interprets those media keys to run
different programs. You might be able to do the same on the new laptops by
changing the setting in BIOS and installing HP's hotkey program.

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< http://eternallybored.org/ >

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