On 12/03/17 03:42, fender6strat wrote:
Hello all,
I'm new to photo editing, especially gimp so I was hoping to get some help
with this. My new job would require me to scrub images like this down on a
somewhat regular basis (down to bare floor plan), what would be the best way to
go about it? Basically I just need to delete all of the black, but when I try to
the edges stay gray (Inherent to BMP's I'd guess). Also when I select just the
black, after I delete it the selectors stay visible. Any help would be
appreciated and I apologize for my ignorance. Thanks. PS, if there Isn't enough
resolution in the picture I could host one else where.

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/505/original/floorplan.jpg

You can change all the black to white by just applying the right curves:


(the peak around 138 is the gray lines in your plan). Of course you get white gaps in the gray lines....

You can also change the grey to something darker in the same operation, by using a different curve:


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