>I've seen 2 videos on youtube showing how to cut out pictures from
>When I try to follow step by step, I can't - there seem to be settings
>that I JUST can't get to!!
>(Simple things like a property setting. And despite clicking around
>like mad, I can't find!)
>I guess this is because of the instructions being for an older
>Can someone give me a pointer to a much more recent video?

The problem is, there are several  ways to separate  a foreground from a
background. Much depends on the nature of the image. Plain colour background
then color select or complicated background using scissors or foreground select
tool. Non-destructive - use a layer mask or really clean cut-out using a path.

Add to that the permutations in Gimp layout combined with as you say,
instructions using old versions of Gimp, all add to possible confusion.

I have been know to knock up a video at the drop of a hat. Not bothered if it is
viewed or not, just need a clue as what is required.

As well as the native Gimp tools there are plugins that help

Example, this one (already a bit dated) using  a plugin g'mic from www.gmic.eu


If you post an example of the type of image you use I will try and give advice.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich2005 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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