On 14/04/17 16:22, Gimpgreenhorn wrote:
Good morning!

I am working on a project where I have to bring in about 40 different layers
into this project. As I bring them in, I need to put them into position, by
rotating them at different  angles, while they are still in the scale mode.
Apparently, such an action is not allowed. I'm finding one either rotates them
before one scales, or one can't rotate after one scales. I could always rotate
them before hand, but what good would that do. Due to the fact I don't know what
correct angle there supposed to be at until they are shrunk.

My question is, "can a person manipulate an object by rotating it, while in the
"scale" mode. And if so "how"? If someone could get back ASAP, I would
appreciate it, cause I'm currently working on the project now! Thanks!

If you are scaling and rotating to align two layers there is my ofn-layer-straightener script, where you indicate two points on the reference layer, two points on the adjusted layer, and then ask the script to move/scale/rotate the adjusted layer so that the two pairs of points overlap.

See https://sourceforge.net/projects/gimp-tools/files/scripts/

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