On Fri, May 05, 2017 at 06:41:03PM -0400, Steve Kinney wrote:
> On 05/05/2017 06:01 PM, Casey Connor wrote:
> > Hi -- I'm trying to do some simple work on a 0.5GP image in GIMP 2.9.5
> > (on Linux). (Image is ~23k by 22k pixels, 16bit RGBA).
> I don't think this will solve the problem you described, but I have
> found that clearing the undo history after every operation done on open
> files frees a lot of memory in cases where there is /almost/ too much
> data for the system to cope with.
> Another possibility:  Crop the images you are trying to merge down to
> just the bits that overlap, process those, then add the cropped parts
> back in.  Again, this might not be practical in your situation, but it's
> all I can think to suggest from similar problems I have run into.
> If friend with a more powerful box will let you do this thing on that
> machine, a USB stick and a copy of the portable version of the GIMP
> might do the trick...
Yeah, the xcf files in 2.9 are big.  I'm tempted to suggest adding a
huge swap file - not sure if it would help (watching a system swap
heavily is not pretty).

I live in a city. I know sparrows from starlings.  After that
everything is a duck as far as I'm concerned.  -- Monstrous Regiment
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